Saturday 17 August 2013

17.8.13 One Big Con

The Church, Charities, Universities and the BBC are all amazing entities - amazing in the sense that they operate in strange ways and with skewed outlooks.  In fact, there are inherent cons with them.  Obviously only the BBC is a specific one - the other terms are more general, and collectives.

The BBC is so up its own arse that it seems to think there are no limits to its sense of proportion.  It continues to squander ludicrous amounts of money on stupid projects, daft ideas and on people who are simply not worth a toss.  All of this is done with dogged persistence and a complete disregard for the source of its funds - the licence fee payers.  Deluded with an inflated idea of its own importance, power and authority, the BBC then proceeds to adhere to self-serving policies, denial of everything that could be considered out-of-order, and to top it all, is infected by a left wing bias that's shocking and cuntish.  In summary, it means we are all being conned daily by an organisation that's a long, long way from being what it purports to be.

Universities this week announced that a record number of student places were confirmed within one day of the A Level results being announced.  This is not anything to cheer, but something to link with tuition fees. With students now worth a minimum of £27,000 to each university (assuming the minimum course length of three years at the £9,000 per year fees) it is hardly surprising that universities are anxious to secure their incomes.  This is not about standards anymore, it is simply business.  With so many young people now able to go to university (notice I say 'able' rather than 'qualified') but actually wondering whether to bother, it is no surprise that any university tries to grab some money.  These are screwed up times, and money counts. Sadly these institutions are corrupted by the finances to some degree (pun intended) and only the students suffer. The ones who suffer most are those who are deluded into thinking they are cleverer than they are, who will then run up the debts.

Charities are quite possibly and quite probably forces for good in so many cases.  However, in general, their whole collective existence is not logical, let alone viable on an economic level.  In the business world, companies cease to exist or merge on a regular basis where economies of scale allow saving and increased efficiency. However, charities are hell bent on keeping separate identities and competing with each other for a limited pot of money.  All that happens is that a smaller amount of money finds its way to the 'good causes' than would be the case if fewer charities existed.  Instead, more expenses are covered with donations than are necessary.  Then, in the name of charity, people beat drums and try to raise money for the stupid number of organisations that are all clamouring for donations.

The Church is completely up its arse - well, actually it's the ability of some of those within it to invade arses that is the bone (pun intended) of contention. This week the General Synod voted to apologies for "past safeguarding wrongs".  WTF?  The General Synod is a tosspot collection of nobs, and the whole church is a fucking mess.  I read yesterday that the Church supports fracking because it will help to keep the utility bills of the poorest people at a lower level.  Again, WTF?  Keep your noses and your nobs out of politics and controversy.  At the same time it would be rather nice if the £750 million investment portfolio was distributed to those it purports to care for!  The Church is a fucked up entity.  The Roman Catholic Church is of course an equally fucked up institution that serves itself so much better than it ever manages to serve its followers. The fickleness, corruption and disgust oozes from every vestry, every chapel and every rent-free residence of those whose calling allows them to avoid having to live a real life.

There is little that's real, worthy, fair, pure, honest and appropriate anymore. Instead we are expected to turn blind eyes to all manner of transgressions, bias, self-servitude and cubnism.  What a mess.


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