Tuesday 7 May 2013

7.5.13 The Biggest Threat Of All

What do you think the biggest threat to the UK is at the moment, and perhaps the greatest risk for mankind?

Is it . . . .

1) Global warming?
2) The economic downturn?
3) Excessive costs of benefit claimants?
4) Phenomenal growth in the population?
5) The demise of bees?
6) Soil erosion?
7) MRSA?
8) Smoking?
9) War?

NO !

10) Loss of the rain forest?
11) A dip in sales of Lottery tickets?
12) Wankers in banking?
13) Too many carrier bags in circulation?
14) Acid rain?
15) Underage smoking and drinking?
16) Molehills?
17) Rocketing fuel prices?
18) Too many cookery programmes on TV?
19) Repeats on TV?

NO !

20) Internet shopping?
21) Crime?
22) Unemployment?
23) Payday loan companies?
24) The Grinch?
25) Phone hacking?
26) Blocked arteries?
27) Unmade beds?
28) Acne?
29) Tax evaders?

NO !

The real threat to everyone in the UK is sugar.  Why else would manufacturers be on a fucking mission to remove it from so many things. Sugar is apparently evil, and must be banished from our lives.  We are incapable of exercising any judgement, and have to be dictated to by greater powers - those in charge - the CIC.  Yes, the 'Cunts In Charge' have deemed it essential that we are deprived of anything that was once tasty, and that our options are constrained so that we do not enjoy things.  How else could anyone possible explain the ludicrous removal of sugar from sweets, drinks and foods, irrelevant of whether there is a "healthy" option alongside the normal one?  This is the cause of Mars bars now being completely inedible.

Today, I was forced to purchase from Morrisons some Sprite which had been doctored.  I am not referring to the 'Zero' sort of Sprite, which is of course designed for people who want to (or have to) choose zero calories,  I am talking to the normal stuff - well, what was normal until recently.  Via the wrapping, I am now encouraged to 'rediscover' the great taste of Sprite. FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE, seeing as the sugar content is 30% lower than other normal drinks.

Worse than this was the complete absence of summer fruits high juice in any form other than NAS.  Actually, this does not stand for "Nasty And Shit", although it should do.  No, it's the dreaded "No Added Sugar".  This is a backwards concept because for decades, cordial has had a sugar content and been acceptable as a drink.  Now we are supposed to applaud and purchase foul tasting liquid that twists the concept, suggesting that the real drink has been preserved and is untainted by the addition of that horrible stuff called 'sugar'.  Well, bully for Morrisons for not adding sugar.  The trouble is, I did not want that shit, the DIS version.  Yes, that is the correct term for this stuff - the one that's "Deficient In Sugar".  I wanted the proper/normal stuff, and could I get any - could I fuck.  No, there were about 60 bottles on the shelf, all short of sugar and taste, and not a single cunting litre bottle that hadn't been fucked up by some cunt taking out the sugar and then claiming a pat on the back for not adding sugar.

The only possible way that no added Sugar is a good thing is in respect of Alan.



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