Saturday 30 July 2011

30.7.11 Soft & Mild

What is Mild Language?  There are so many films around which contain this form of communication, but I am not quite sure of the definition.  I suppose we have all become accustomed to the phrase 'Strong Language' as a euphemism for shit/fuck/piss, and 'Very Strong Language' paves the way for cunt.  But how on earth does one define 'Mild Language'?  Could such words as bother, bloody, bastard, bugger, arse, or wanker be included in this category?  I think this is impossible to answer.  'Mild Language' is a pointless, vague, useless and confusing term; language cannot itself be mild.  Should it instead be re-labelled as "Mildly Offensive Language", which would at least make some sense and turn the useless phrase into something that could exist.  It would not however help determine what might fall within the category.  So a film described as containing 'Mild Language' could be any film at all, depending on one's personal levels of tolerance.  The C word does not offend me, so the classification is pointless.  However, bad grammar offends the fuck out of me, but nowhere are there warnings about a film's tendency to abuse the English language and promote thickness and/or ignorance. 

Then we are warned of Mild Sex, Strong Sex, Infrequent Sex, Moderate Sex References, and a whole load of other useless terms that do nothing to indicate what we are to be served up.

What is Soft Drug Use?  Not being an expert on drugs at all, I have no idea regarding the scale of substance abuse, rituals for the intake of drugs, or the consequences of taking various amounts of drugs.  So, I cannot really say what might constitute 'Soft Drug Use', nor could I set the dividing line between soft and hard.  A trailer for a film just advertised on the TV included a warning that it contained 'Soft Drug Use'.  Does that mean people are filmed smoking.  How do we know what is contained within the cigarette(s) or what the nature is of any tablets swallowed?  The very fact that drug use can in some cases be described (legitimately, it seems) as soft means that we are all condoning drug taking.  It's okay to take drugs, just stick to the soft variety, not the hard stuff.  So, in this world, it's all right to dabble in soft drugs, and use mild language (whatever that is) and if you want to feel free to watch or pass porn around, it's okay if it's the softcore version.  Equally, soft or petty crime is not a real issue.  This explains why antisocial behaviour is not really counted as crime.  There is also the resultant tag of 'rogue' that applies to someone who is in fact a criminal.  If the person's offences and actions are at the 'mild' end of the scale, apparently there's a degree of tolerance afforded. 

Somehow society creates new terms and interpretations, to excuse all sorts of behaviours.  It's all complete shit, and the creators of new rules provide, by increments, excuses for people to be cunts, or get away with promoting lower standards of everything.  Meanwhile, the rule makers and commentators can feel good about themselves and think that all is okay.


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