Friday 29 July 2011

29.7.11 Body Suit

In the paper this week was a story of a 41-year-old woman who has 85% of her body covered in tattoos, and the remaining 15% is due to be covered quite soon.  It was a mildly interesting feature, and I am all for people doing whatever they like regarding tattoos.  At the end of the piece, there was a quote from the woman herself, in relation to funny looks and opinions, and it is perhaps the daftest comment she could make to try and 'justify' her appearance.

"My eldest say's she's not too keen on it, but she's had two tattoos herself, so she can't object that much."

That's right, luv.  Let's get things in perspective - there's clearly no difference between having two tattoos and having a full body suit, including facial tattoos.  Ha!


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