Tuesday 6 March 2012

6.3.12 Equality & Human Rights Commission

This joke of an organisation has lost the plot.  Its annual review (which is costing taxpayers £150,000) has just been compiled by a cunt who earned £250,000 last year.  I did not need to think long before deciding upon this tag for Richard Emmott, who's apparently the intelligence chief at this quango.  The review contains ludicrous demands and views.

It is calling for softer treatment of prisoners, and wants them to have the vote.  It wants the numbers of asylum-seekers being held in detention to be cut, and is also suggesting that the 14-day period for holding terror suspects without charge should be cut to four days.  The Commission's review also criticises curfews, stop-and-search policies and the powers to ban terror groups.

This madness goes further; there are calls for it to be made easier for unions to strike, and it warns against toughening rules on foreign workers.  There is criticism for the police and for soldiers, and it even claims that councils are not giving travellers enough land.

Not only is the above almost beyond belief, it comes at a cost to us all.  Yes, the Equality & Human Rights Commission costs taxpayers £53million per year.  With such hardship being experienced by so many at the moment, do we really need to be spending so much money in this direction?  I think not.  Do we need to spend £150,000 on an annual review that contains such fucking bollocks?  I think not.  Does Mr Emmott deserve to be paid £250,000 per year?  I think not.  Is the who fucking thing a cuntin' waste of time and money, and is the whole thrust of the organisation completely misdirected?  I think so.  Organisations like this are self serving, unproductive, aloof, and generally cuntish beyond belief.

This country is fucked.


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