Sunday 25 March 2012

25.3.12 Cunts In A Car

Yesterday, I pulled out on to the main road, albeit one with a 30mph speed limit.  The road was clear, and I moved out, only to find that zooming up towards my bumper was a car which had to have been travelling at 50mph.  This is a narrow road, with footpaths either side, and shops in the area.  None of that is surprising when one considers the name of the road I pulled into - 'High Street'.  The manoeuvre by the driver of the Renault Clio was a decisive deceleration, while I accelerated.  So, the first bit of recklessness was this other driver's complete disregard for others and for the speed limit, not just by speeding a little bit but by an awful lot.

I followed the road and waited at the lights, able to see in my mirror that in the car were two blokes.  Both were quite clearly undesirables in every possible sense.  Pulling away at the lights, I observed via the rear view mirror that they were guzzling from cans, one of which was tossed out of the open window.  So, the driver was swigging from a can of something (not sure what) and littering.  Anyone who lobs trash out of a car is a cunt.  Littering is an offence.  They then both fastened their seatbelts!  So, both had till then been breaking the law in this regard.  Behind me, the driving was erratic, and it was quite clear these goons were 'having a laugh', as they'd no doubt claim.  This included speeding to overtake me on a hill, and then having to slow down behind further traffic.

I followed for quarter of a mile, while the driver veered over the centre line, and twice aimed at an oncoming car before pulling back on to the left hand side of the road.  Then the driver and his passenger decided to gob out of their respective windows.  After some more erratic driving and tailgating, the car sped away, exceeding the limit again.

Now, I am not wishing to seem 'holier than thou', but speeding, littering, dangerous driving and intimidation were all on view as the Renault Clio made progress, driven by two people who I can confidently describe as inconsiderate cunts.

YE52 OAB - in case you're interested, or have the misfortune to encounter the same vehicle/driver.


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