Tuesday 6 January 2015

6.1.15 Ched Evans Disgrace

I have no sympathy for Mr Evans, the convicted rapist who is trying to get back into the football world.  There are many expressing views on whether or not he should be allowed to resume his career, and I am not sure what's to be done.  He has to earn a living, but has alienated everyone by not showing any remorse.  The latest episode in the saga involves a possible role at Oldham Athletic FC.

This is apparently in the balance now, because sponsors may withdraw their support and money from the club, should Evans be signed.  The leading 'player' in the sponsorship dealings is Mike Ashley, whose sponsorship is worth about £1million to Oldham.

What I find utterly deplorable, aside from the actions of Ched Evans, is the outrageous intervention made by Vera Baird.  She is the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, and has apparently made a personal request to Mr Ashley, according to the Mail Online.  How the cuntin fuck is it right that a commissioner is prevailing upon someone to withdraw sponsorship if a football club agrees to employ a particular player - whatever the fucking background? This is simply amazing!  The police should be involved in catching criminals. I rather thought that once they had done so, and the offender had served the sentence, that the police were not involved in harassment . . . . obviously I was wrong.  The system now seems to allow the pursuit of people afterwards, simply on the grounds of trying to make their life hell, or at least fucking up any chance of gainful employment.

Just because I have no sympathy for Ched Evans does NOT mean that I can condone some fucking vendetta being pursued by a commissioner whose remit must surely not extend to being a nuisance and trying to influence matters that have fuck all to do with her.  I suspect Vera Baird's actions might be grounds enough for Ched Evans to sue her; she should be concentrating on other matters, rather than abusing her position.  She may well be keen to encourage us all to observe the law, and obsessed with efforts to tinker with more fucking 'initiatives', but maybe someone should tell her she's not Charles Bronson, and she should butt out.


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