Saturday 31 January 2015

31.1.15 January Round Up In Ten

1 - ITVBe is a recently created extra channel which is full of shit, literally.  It's a place where shit goes to die.  ITV, the channel that's so set on self-promotion and self-aggrandisement.  Tune in at your peril.

2 - Kimberley Walsh has the most boring, monotonous voice, to accompany what can only be described as a boring personality.  Like a windscreen wiper, her tongue manages to slide across her teeth, set for a fast but intermittent swipe action.

3 - Apparently the NHS might be changing its name, and could be known as the WHS.  World Health Service would better reflect the work it does, considering that one quarter of all births in hospitals are now  of babies born to foreign mothers!  It is no wonder that there is concern about the never-ending drain on national resources and spiralling costs when the NHS does absolutely nothing to deter the whole world from treating it as a call-in facility via any airport.

4 - There is nothing more nauseating or vacuous than the latest exploits and photos of Cara Delevingne, or Kim Kardashian.  The media is obsessed with providing an endless supply of useless pictures showing useless people being useless.  There are so many others that I could mention, as subjects of these media attentions, but I think that would serve to give unwarranted recognition to even more useless people.

Allow me one indulgence, though, with a mention of Millie Mackintosh, who is on a not-so-secret mission to flaunt her body and promote skinniness via pictures displaying skinny limbs and offering nothing beneficial at all.

5 - Barbara Windsor should be put into quarantine immediately, for a period of no less than twelve years.  All soundtracks and adverts that feature her should be doctored such that her voice is muted.

6 - Would Chloe Madeley feature in anything at all on TV if she were not the daughter of Richard & Judy.  There is no question mark, as the question is rhetorical.

7 - For Bianca Gascoigne the situation is similar to the above, in that her use of the surname seems to grant her access to things that would otherwise not be possible.  However, there is a significant difference between the two, with Bianca displaying traits that are wholly more unattractive.  The level of desperation is rather dire and embarrassing, and her clinging on to her step-dad's name as a means to gain fame is pathetic.  Limping from one direction to another, she touts herself without shame, and without any talent.  More sad is that the media seem to indulge her.

8 - Would the media stop lauding females who "bravely" go make-up free. Also, would attention-seeking females stop going make-up free on some sort of weird understanding that they are doing something extraordinary!

9 - I have yet to find anyone who relentlessly (and of course inappropriately) uses the word "so" at the beginning of every utterance to be in the slightest engaging, likeable or worth more than a gnat's fuck.

10 - Like any other year, 2015 looks like being no different in terms of the usefulness, likeability and abilities of the various members of the York household.  The disgusting freeloading of Prince Andrew is only surpassed by that of his wife, which is then outdone by the two offspring, the ones who resemble ugly beings from a children's story.  The feckless actions of all four are the most awful joint display of entitlement governing existence.  I strongly suspect Andrew was more than up for all sorts of 'galavanting', whether it was while his ex was sucking someone's toe, beforehand, or afterwards.  This quartet is possibly the most unattractive collection possible, and certainly the least welcome advert for Britain let alone the Royal Family.  It therefore beggars belief that Andrew seems to have enjoyed a role as an 'envoy' representing trade and UK interests!


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