Sunday 19 October 2014

19.10.14 Tennis & The Williams Sisters

I must confess to some real amusement, after reading the story today about the Russian tennis chief, whose comments have upset all sorts of people, not least the Williams sisters.

Serena Williams has accused Shamil Tarpischev of the Russian Tennis Federation of "making extremely sexist, racist and bullying comments".  She has referred to his 'contribution' during a television talk show.  He was sitting alongside Elena Dementieva, and when she was asked what it was like playing against the Williams sisters, Tarpischev cut in with his own views, calling them the "Williams brothers" and then adding: "It's scary when you really look at them."

For his sins he was handed a fine by the Women's Tennis Association, as well as a 12-month ban.  He was apparently surprised, and confused after being punished, claiming he was "on a humorous show.  I must say that I have some real sympathy for Mr Tarpishev, considering he was to a large degree simply stating the obvious.

I am sorry, Serena, but exactly how were his comments in any way 'sexist' then?  As for his assertion that the sisters are 'scary', that's evident for anyone who is not blind.  I say these things not as any criticism, but to underline that the comments were hardly that inappropriate.  As for him to referring to them as the "Williams brother", that was surely simply a rather efficient way of highlighting that they are rather masculine . . . . something else that it's impossible to dispute.  It seems to me that this Russian chap has done little more than state the obvious, and not shy away from actually saying what millions no doubt think anyway.


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