Thursday 3 April 2014

3.4.14 News - There's a Theme Here

Vindictive Cunts

Sadly there are people around who offer nothing useful to society and take actions which show them to be pathetic.  This 'honour' goes to the policeman on a bike who radioed colleagues for backup - and three more coppers turned up to help.  The 22-year-old received a fixed penalty fine of £100 because she took a sip from a drink.  The motorist was charged for driving without due care and attention, although she most certainly fucking wasn't, seeing as the car was stationary.  She was in traffic, and took a fucking sip from a drink while NOT moving!  She also got 3 penalty points!  Fucking disgraceful!

Okay For a Copper Thought !

The same approach was adopted on a Sunday by a parking attendant who issued a £70 fine to a car owner who'd parked with one wheel just on the pavement, having pulled up in bad weather.  She had parked outside her own driveway, and dashed inside to dodge hail and rain, expecting to move the car to a marginally better position soon after.  The issuer of the ticket might reasonable be referred to as a cunt.

Stupid Cunts

These are people without any common sense, and who make life unnecessarily miserable for others by being totally 'jobsworth' about things, and displaying cuntish stupidity.  This applied when a chap wanted to buy four cans of lager from an Esso station, and was refused service because he had no ID with him.  The bloke was almost 58 years old!  Only a stupid fucking idiot would decide that he does not look over 18.

Daft Cunts

The twats in charge have decided that to join the police force, it is necessary to have first gained a certificate that involved 300 hours of study and an expense that will range from £600 to £1300.  It is probably that a higher rather than a lower figure will apply because that's juts how life works.  What does this effort, expense and 'qualification' achieve?  It allows someone to APPLY to join the police.  That's right, it's a basis to have your application considered.  Clearly this new approach will have a detrimental effect on recruitment.  Many will be unlikely to have and/or spend the money, let alone the time or inclination to gain the certificate, when any job application could be unsuccessful.  What daft cunt thought this would be a good way to go?

More daft twats at the Environment Agency have shown their uselessness by fucking up.  Those in charge have sold equipment for just £200,00, and have then spent £850,000 in a year hiring dredging equipment.  I shudder to think how this sort of management can ever be defended, but am sure there is a daft cunt somewhere who will defend the policy and make spurious claims that somehow it's better to do things in a fucked-up way.

More daftness comes to light via the escapades of the woman who found that the council had accidentally deposited £52,000 in her bank account.  She went on a mad spending spree for two days, and blew £9,000 with most going on highly unnecessary items such as designer shoes and handbags.  She, her family and a few friends have said she did nothing wrong, and are on her side. How she ever thought that she had the right to spend it is beyond me, and claiming she thought it was an "inheritance" in her defence was feeble as fuck. Now she has a criminal record and has to do 150 hours of community service. A mistake in a bank transfer does not give the temporary receiver the right to keep it, and ignoring calls and visits by those trying to resolve the error is asking for trouble.  In effect she stole taxpayers money by trying to keep what she knew was not hers, and expected [because of the sense of entitlement that many have nowadays] to get away with it.  Stupid council, though.

Wasteful Cunts

The BBC has decided it is appropriate to send 272 staff to cover the World Cup in Brazil.  This will cost a fucking fortune, and add to the other millions of pounds that's frittered away by the 'cunts in charge'.  £12million is a pathetic use of money.  It is of significance that ITV is sending 120 staff; how can this be explained?  Simple - ITV is a commercial organisation that needs to make a profit and look more carefully at costs, while the BBC is a fucking joke, bankrolled by licence fee payers.

Elsewhere, well at Sheffield Council actually, we find more wastage as replacement signage is hardly necessary, and considering the shortage on money, the decision to put a new sign up (as above) is pathetic when a good clean of the old one would have been fine.  Anyway, why the cunting fuck are there now two signs in place?  Aside from the stupid decision to put up a new sign, why on earth wasn't the old one removed?  Another crappy cunting council call.

Greedy Cunts

£90 for an England football shirt?  Need I say any more?  No.

Elsewhere, expenses investigations have led to Maria Miller having to pay some money back - hardly a major issue considering the profit made on property.  I cannot be arsed to go into the details here, as it's the same old self-serving stuff with pleas that "I was advised everything was okay" etc. Yawn.  It's not even as if Miller is any good at her job, or 'anything', actually. Still, being a woman, she'll get some preferential treatment, what with the shortage of tits in Parliament . . . no, the other sort, you nob.

Misguided Cunts

I see there's a new 50 Peso banknote on the horizon, and in true Argentinian style, it is causing a stir because it features the Falkland Islands.  Cristina Kirchner has endorsed and celebrated the plans for the new note, and the inclusion of Antonio Rivero, a 'hero' who opposed the British in the 19th Century.


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