Saturday 30 November 2013

30.11.13 Jungle Update

Well, if anyone was still in any doubt before today, I hope that's no longer the case, and there is unanimity in the view that Matthew Wright is a complete tosser.  Unfortunately he seems to have a belief that he's witty, intelligent, 'right' all the time as well as 'Wright', and entertaining.  I suppose to some degree he's providing entertainment, as we have reason to talk about IACGMOOH and loathe him.  His character traits are not attractive.  He squealed in a wimpish manner on day one but miraculously overcame all fear of bugs within 48hrs.  Then he displayed horrendous judgement with an appearance in a bikini.   He has had a go at Alfonso, Kian, Rebecca, and Amy. Prick.

Alfonso is a pain in most respects.  First, his achievements seem to have passed me by - apparently he's known for only one thing and that's not including the prowess he has in sitting on his arse.  He may well have 'exploded' with his outburst at Matthew, but where was the head-butt?  More weird was his wimpish lack of back-up for Kian the other day when Matthew was being a cunt about the canopy and denying Lucy her chance to report back after her trial.

Lucy is slightly less annoying now, after her successful trial.  Rebecca did her first trial after running out of sick notes - she only brought three with her and they've all been handed in.  The challenge was hardly that challenging; yes, I'm pleased for her that she won 9 stars but it is not really my responsibility to wish her well simply because she has confidence issues and self-image concerns. The challenge (which Joe Swash also completed in the ITV2 follow-on show) was one that involved reasonable fitness and the ability to hold one's breath.

Steve okay, David okay, Joey okay, Kian okay, Lucy okay, Vincent okay, Annabel okay and funny, Amy okay, Laila okay.

On IACGMOOH Now, the newcomer was Helen Flanagan.  Fuck knows why ITV decided it was worthwhile flying her to Australia to make a few comments on ITV2 for four consecutive nights.  As expected and predicted by me, she was a useless waste of fucking space - so, much like last year when she was in the jungle rather than looking down on it.  It seems that only Denise Van Outen has been worth having on the show - Ferne McCann was mouthy and vacuous; Kimberley Walsh was whining, frowning, pouting, preening and annoying, and Flanagan is now wasting my eyesight.

Andy Peters talks sense.  He's the first one to state the view (in contradiction with Flanagan's view) that "the younger ones" should not be looked after by the older ones.  Exactly right; if you're old enough to go on the show - and collect £50,000 to £100,000 - then you can fucking well manage.  So, Amy is a bit drippy and lazy, and likes to sunbathe.  That's not surprising, I suppose, seeing as she's a model.  For Helen Flanagan to suggest that the other women are jealous, and that people ought to help Amy out because she is only 21 is pathetic - unless of course Amy dishes out some of her appearance money. The age thing is as annoying as it is in X-Factor.  "You're only 16" or "You're only 17" is irrelevant on that show, just as Amy's age is irrelevant on this one.

Just time for a gratuitous photo of Laura Whitmore.


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