Tuesday 29 March 2011

29.3.11 Potholes

The UK's roads are plastered with potholes and I'm sure some smart alec could advise how long it would take to fix them based on resources now available, and the work ethic that determines council workers and contractors manage an average 3-hour day.  I suspect that without new problems adding to the pot (ha, get it!) something in the order of 58 years would be needed to get things sorted.

In the road outside my house, there's a piece of tarmac that has sunk.  Workmen dug a trench a while back, did fuck all, and then filled it in - not properly though.  The trench is thus a bit below the normal road surface, so there's a need for the local council to sort out a repair.  I called two weeks ago, and was told it would be sorted, and that I'd get a call back - yeah, right!  Fuckin' nothin'.

Last week I was looking through the paper and there was a page devoted to the issues in Japan following the earthquake.  The main photo was of a nice stretch of roadway, in perfect condition.  Nothing much surprising, there, but still better than the UK's roads and so I was mildly envious of the carriageway on show.  Next to it was a smaller photo, showing the very same stretch of road just 6 days earlier.  If was like Cheddar Fucking Gorge!  Quite seriously, the road was fucked to pieces by the earthquake.  Yet within six days, in the mayhem that followed the massive earthquake, the Japanese has got it sorted.

Meanwhile, back home, the cunt in the council puts his phone on DND and plans his next bout of (paid) sick leave because of 'stress'.


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