Tuesday 22 March 2011

22.3.11 International Inconsistency

Lunatics like Gaddafi are considered a real danger to civilians, and so the international community decides to ride to the rescue of ordinary Libyans.  It does so with much consternation over the legality of actions, and pisses about worrying over what may be deemed acceptable within the terms of an agreement created by the UN over a protracted period.  The international community is fucking useless, taking ages to achieve less than a blind squirrel looking for a nut in a desert.  Does Gaddafi ever worry about the legality of his own actions?  Of course he fucking doesn't!

Why is the international community not signing up to a resolution to deal with Robert Mugabe?  I rather think that he's just as big a cunt, with an awful record of intimidation and torture to his name.  Surely the civilians in Zimbabwe deserve equal attention from the so-called international community, and the representatives who serve to form the United Nations? 

I am reminded of annoying TV shows where the cop aims his gun and shouts 'Freeze', and 'Drop it', giving due warning to the criminal.  A second later, the criminal has silently thanked the cop for the warning and squeezed his own trigger.  We watch the cop get shot and the criminal run off, and I am sure I'm not alone in thinking, "why the fuck didn't you just shoot the cunt in the first place?"

The fickleness of politicians and countries is mind-boggling.  A student's summer project is the basis for intelligence that leads to the invasion of Iraq to find non-existent weapons.  Britain protects itself by dealing with threats from terrorists, and does so by occupying Afghanistan and pissing off every single person who might have access to a gun or explosives, while doing nothing at all to minimise the threat of terrorist action.  Yet is sits and watches Mugabe abuse his own people, and terrorise civilians who do not side with him; all this in a former colony - talk about abandonment!

Britain's Role

Britain is pretty much adopting a role that has as much standing as the Health & Safety officer.  Everyone sort of acknowledges that he's right, but actually thinks he's a jumped up twat.  He's allowed to have his say, but no cunt really gives a shit.  As soon as H&S (Britain) has had its say, everyone can ignore it and then do what they like.  Why do we have to interfere in everything, but then in equal measure act as a lame duck like the rest of the international community when action is required?


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