Saturday 12 March 2011

12.3.11 Irn Bru

I returned home yesterday after 48hrs in Scotland.  There was no mistaking that I was in Scotland, of course.  The accents rather confirmed my whereabouts, as did the newspaper I picked up early on Thursday evening.  At first glance it had looked like 'The Sun' but I quickly realised the masthead was in fact different: 'Scottish Sun' were the two words.  I immediately thought there was no such thing, and that this was a classic case of an oxymoron! 

In the same supermarket I looked for something to drink, and along the back of the shop was a large rack containing various drinks in cans and bottles.  Further evidence that I was in Scotland smacked me in the face - a whole section was devoted to Irn Bru.  Bottles and cans, normal and diet - lots of it.

The following evening, I ordered from a takeaway menu obtained from the reception of the Holiday Inn Express.  Rather than piece together various items, I ordered the 'Feast For Two' (with no intention of eating two lots of chips, but happy to attack a 12" pizza, garlic bread, and use the bottle of ketchup I added to the order).  Two cans of drink were included in the offer.  I was asked by the chap taking my order what type of drinks I wanted.  I said "surprise me" and waited half an hour for the delivery man.

When I received my order, I looked inside the white carrier bag, and saw two cans of drink.  Now, I know I allowed fate to take a hand in this by leaving the decision to the chap taking my order.  However, there is a fair selection of drink available in the world, and I was to receive two cans.  So, there were two opportunities for me to be "surprised".  But no, it would appear that in Scotland (with a probable 10 types of canned drink available and thus 45 permutations for the random provision of any two) the preferred surprise is two cans of Irn Bru.


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