Monday 3 January 2011

3.1.11 Amazing Quotes

The corporate shit-speak is all around us.  Here's an example of bollocks, relayed by a manager in charge of 'customer service' matters.

"Can you please digest and cascade to your team to make every endeavour to . . . . .".

How about a few comments from a CEO of a major company - the grammar is a joke:

"This year, however, has been unprecedented."  I think not!  This year has followed every other year before it, so it's hardly unprecedented!

"This extraordinary environment, where parts of the country have been cut-off by road, have required us all to make extra efforts."  Superb grammar, I think you'll agree!

Here's a couple of other statements from corporate bods, who like to talk shit.

"This is inflating escalations into our Customer Care areas."  = increasing calls to customer service.

Here's some more shit:

"An in depth review of critical IT change requirements was held earlier this week to ensure that in January 2011 all critical changes are implemented to support resolution of the issues identified by the Centres of Excellence.

Unbecuntinlievable crap.


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