Sunday 29 March 2015

29.3.15 Pricing Farces


Spotted in B&Q, a rather lame offer of a glavanised incinerator, which had a glorious reduction noted on the price sticker, confirming a reduction from £20.53 to £20.00


Elsewhere, Morrisons needs to reassess its policy on the pricing of Drumsticks.  There is a complete lack of thought behind the pitch for the Mega Drumstick.

The standard Drumstick weighs 12g and is available for 10p.  The Mega Drumstick weighs 28g, but is on sale for 30p.  Thus it is 2.33 times the size, and of course has a single stick.  It should cost no more than 23p.  The 7p overcharge constitutes +30% which is rather the opposite of what one might expect for buying more!


ASDA has decided to introduce a product that defies any sense or logic - a small plastic pot of table salt, containing 70g of the stuff.

I have no idea how this decision ever got sanctioned, and yet I suspect that there will be enough ignorant twats in the aisles buying the new 70g pots to make the product a success.  This is despite the cost being so cunting outrageous.  On the shelf, I saw these 'new' pots of Table Salt on sale at £1.00. On the shelf below, I clocked the 750g container of Table Salt, on sale for 29p. Nearly eleven times as much at less than a third of the price!

Pro-rata, the large pot is, on that basis, worth £10.71, and so available at a 97% discount, at 29p.  Conversely, if 750g is available for 29p as standard, then the new product in the 70g container holds 2.7p worth of salt, but carries a £1.00 price tag, a mark up of over 3600%


NOREP 042000 Halogen Flexi Pole Mounting Beacon


Price:£18.94 FREE Delivery in the UK. Details
You Save:£1.47 (7%)

Can there be any less tempting 'lightning deal' from Amazon than this pathetic level of so-called discount?


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