Sunday 29 June 2014

29.6.14 Sunday News Observations & Lily

  1. A bit of lipstick does not endear Judy Murray to the nation, and why various media and companies think she's marketable and worth airtime or space is beyond me.  Her qualification for this attention seems to revolve around her being someone's mum whom most of us to date have only ever seen roaring or with a clenched jaw, in a state of some angst, turmoil or euphoria at a ball being hit.
  2. Another mum who seems to get more than her fair share of attention and surprising adulation is Carol Middleton.  Again, this is on account of being someone's mum, rather than for having any real quality of her own that deserves attention.  I think there's some sort of vicarious royalty that she's grabbed and secured for herself.  Yes, luv, you've done well, but please remember you are not a royal.  The principles of 'chromatography' do not apply.  It's more a case of 'gravity' applying.
  3. While we are on the subject, Pippa seems to do rather well at maintaining the view of entitlement, despite there being no title to talk about.  It would not be so annoying if the whole existence was less in your face, but with her generally outdoing Peter Andre for getting her life details spread, she's another person of dubious existence.
  4. Beatrice (apparently she's a 'princess') is an expert though, and manages to do so very little while gaining maximum benefit from the British taxpayer.  Just this week she managed to secure a lift from the Royal Navy, to cross the Solent to the Isle of Wight.  I can appreciate why the queuing public was aghast, as each fumbled for the £18 or so that the trip would cost them on a rather less extravagant means of transport.  Still, Eugenie and Beatrice are products of a mother and father whose combined grasping and sense of entitlement outdoes anything ever displayed by Tony Blair.  Actually, considering the sums involved, then I may have got this wrong, and it's a closer call.  Either way, they are all on another planet.
  5. I see that the Archbishop of Cunterbury has come out (not that way) and declared that the church will not withdraw its investments in (and therefore support for) Wonga.  Yes, folks, despite the national outcry regarding the outrageous practices of this leach of society, and the courts having decided that some of its past practices were illegal, the fucking church seeks to avoid the tough call to potentially lose a bit of cash.  How fucking cuntish.  I would suggest that anyone who's in church today (fewer than they'd have you believe at the Centre for Counting Churchgoers) and who's got a Wonga loan, should withdraw some money from the plate when it arrives in front of them, as a token of the church's thanks for sticking with its branch of religion despite having no moral right to expect such.
  6. Josie Cunningham (pictured at the top of this post) is such a complete fuck-up with the most disgusting absence of morals and humanity, that I have no intention of even listing her various comments, actions, views and cuntishness.
  7. I saw (sadly) pictures of Lily Allen that have done the rounds, and having had my eyes abused, I've decided to inflict the same fate on any of you who've managed to dodge the photos.  Aside from the visual affront, I must register my dislike of pretty much most of what she does and says.  I am allowed to have such an opinion, and so I will bloody well take up that option!  

Of all my observations above, the pictures are the ones that are proving most distressing as I type.


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