Saturday 28 June 2014

28.6.14 I Blame Westlife

Irritating bollocks is spouted daily by thick cunts who are trying to sound clever, while actually demonstrating ignorance and stupidity.  A pet hate is the almost compulsory misuse of pronouns.  The result of all this is that I have to listen to all sorts of crap.  I think Westlife must take a lot of the blame for promoting this approach, with the song "You Raise Me Up".  What, exactly, is the purpose of the last word?

Returning back
Focused around
An update around
Cover off
Reduce down
Flambe down
The existing incumbent
To recruit in
Latest news
Very essential
Very unique
Very critical

Then we have the complete bollocks of useless and meaningless jargon and complete shit such as:

Moving forward(s)
In point of fact
In actual fact
Kind of
Sort of
In terms of
Pick up on
Run with it
Action it
Not a problem
Look to (do something)
Ensure visibility of

The level of complete nonsense is mind numbing.  Today's level of intellect is devoid of any grammatical element, and devoid of any checks on whether cunting twattishness has crept into ordinary speech.  Everyone is trying to outdo the next person, especially in the business world.  It used to be good enough to give someone a taste of something, perhaps of their own medicine. Now, people give us a "flavour" of something.  If there's a general acceptance that something needs doing, then that something-or-other has "traction", and that's probably come about because the approach being adopted is "fluid". WTF?

I wonder why "Dairy Ice Cream" does not have the word "Imitation" at the beginning.  By default, "Dairy Ice Cream" cannot be authentic, because that's the honour given to "Real Dairy Ice Cream".  Are we required, then, to endorse a produce through an extra descriptive term so that no qualification means dubious provenance?  If I have some "Real Dairy Ice Cream", then it follows that someone else eating "Dairy Ice Cream" is eating a version that's not real at all.  Perhaps this is why ITV insists on telling me that the latest forty-five minutes of video clips is "All New You've Been Framed".  Without the "All New", I have to assume that it's a further showing of old stuff.  But when the "All New You've Been Framed" is repeated (which of course it is, on numerous occasions) then the title is complete bollocks, and an outright lie.  I have no idea what I should expect to see on "New You've Been Framed" because if the programme shown yesterday was old stuff, the title is a lie, and if the content was new, then surely the convention is to trumpet the newness with the "All New" banner.  Does this mean, then, that any tiny part of a programme that's 'new' can lead to the programme itself getting branded as 'New' because it is not strictly the same as the previous version?  What a mess.


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