Thursday 29 November 2012

29.11.12 Rotherham Council

Well, I think there is widespread agreement that the actions of Rotherham Council have been outrageous.  Almost everyone commenting is condemning the decision to removed children from foster parents who are members of UKIP.  Quite rightly, the country has united in favour of the parents and children - something the Council has completely failed in!

There are, I suspect, very many cunts hiding in councils and other institutions, collecting good money for doing a poor job.  People in positions of power over ordinary folk need to be kept in check.  Councils are a common hiding place, but there are also other institutions whose members are suspect.  There are many 'experts' who get paid to pass comment on ordinary folk, and for some reason the opinions of a so-called expert are held in greater esteem than any form of common sense or counter claim by the man or woman in the street.  The apparent aim of "child welfare" seems to be an objective that's the trump card which excuses all and any actions, whatever the consequences, or merits of the intervention.

The latest idiots to come to the public's attention are residing in Rotherham Council.  I read in the papers that Joyce Thacker has defended her decision.

UKIP is not a racist institution.  In fact, its policies towards immigration are based on common sense and economic realities - a far cry from the pathetic open-cunting-door policy of the last Labour government (which has acknowledged it fucked up and covered up its real motives) and the useless Liberal Democrats, whose policies have less substance than watered down porridge.  As for the Conservatives, they talk tough and do fuck all about anything.  UKIP is therefore reflecting the views of the nation in respect of immigration.  It's an economic issue - period.  To decide that it's against the long-term interests of a child to have parents who agree with UKIP is preposterous!  In fact, I maintain that the council has itself been racist, because at the heart of this mess is the fact that the foster parents are caring for children from Eastern Europe.  For the Council to think this is unacceptable is appalling.  For the foster parents to find out afterwards that they will still be considered in future, but for white children as reported) means racism is at work here, surely? 

Fostering and adoption rules in this country are mad, unfair and serve to make things worse overall.  There are very many parents who are quite possibly not fit to have children; parents who may, amongst other things, be irresponsible, druggies, criminals or whatever.  Try adopting if you're a smoker - you won't get far.  But if you're a parent who smokes, you're obviously not going to lose your kids.  With so many children deserving of proper and warranted attention, how can it be appropriate for councils to start fucking about with people's politics?

This latest farce is tragic for the children, tragic for the foster parents, and shows the State to be in a tragic state!  The council has shown itself to be discriminatory - something that along with all other councils, it claims NOT to be.  Blimey, there are twats who seem to spend a fortune making sure every cunt in the country is not excluded, ignored, upset over references to religion, sexual orientation or race, or generally not counted as a citizen..  It seems there are no 'eggshells' in the vicinity of foster parents, and Rotherham Council is walking in hobnail boots.  This is apparently a "complex case", said the top bloke at the Council.  Yeah, right. 

This country is fucked.


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