Tuesday 27 November 2012

27.11.12 X-Factor Fiasco


Tulisa needs to watch out because although she had a great first year and won with Little Mix, the novelty of having her around has pretty much worn off.  I am bored of her input, and have been for weeks.

"Do you know what, I'm gonna be really honest, . . . . "
"It was really stripped back . . . "
"It had an urban feel to it."
"You made it your own."

However, she managed to top all of this drivel with her comments after Ella Henderson was voted off.  Apparently it was our fault!  Yes, she announced: "The public were complacent."  Her worth is diminishing at the same rate that her sulkiness is growing.  She seems sullen and drab now.  Perhaps she realises that Ella was a sure-fire finalist, and likely winner if she's been handled right.  Sorry, TC, but you let her down - YOU were complacent!

Fuck off with that, why don't you!  You were the one who helped keep Rylan in the competition by going to 'deadlock' and letting the public vote retain Rylan and his shocking vocals.  He is a lovely bloke and quite the gentleman, but no one can really argue that his singing is very weak.  So, after a pathetic display of so-called judging, Tulisa fucked it.  While I think of it, judges on all competitions are pretty silly people who are full of their own importance.  How many times do we hear them say, "I've made a decision" before they give a verdict/result?  Whoop-de-fucking-do for you - 'Making a decision", eh?  Whatever next?  It's your pissing job to make a decision.  I don't go round at work telling people "I'm doing my job" because that would be rather silly.

Christopher Maloney

Mr Baloney is not my cup of tea.  In fact, he's not my anything because he's quite simply dire.  He shouts rather than sings, and there is something that I don't like about him.  In yesterday's paper he was quoted as saying:

"I am the public choice and the public are keeping me in and I am working probably harder than anyone else."

Hmmmmm . . . . there's arrogance for you, or is that conceitedness?  Not too sure, but either way, he's not shy in bigging himself up.  This is the guy who was a bag of nerves but managed to portray this without having revealed a past in which he performed on cruise ships.  Who the hell is voting for him?  I know of only one person who likes him (I found this out last night, and the person doing the liking is batty as fuck, so that doesn't say much for his appeal).

It appears that Jane McDonald has volunteered to sing with Baloney, and croon.  What a fucking fiasco this series has turned out to be!

Bruno Mars

What a whining little chap.  I am not a fan at all, and was not best pleased to hear his song on Sunday.  It most definitely includes (in the chorus, I think) a section that appears to be a rip-off of the Gotye song, Somebody That I Used To Know.  If that note sequence isn't the same, I'm the offspring of a Dutchman and a Totem Pole.  Somebody throw him a grenade - I know he would catch it.


Oh dear, oh dear.  That Diamonds shit was horrendous.  WTF?  I have no idea why this nursery rhyme is considered to be, by her, something to get all emotional about.  Why this drivel warranted such airtime is a mystery that not even Poirot would be able to solve.  At the end of her wailing, the special effects department decided to make it rain on stage.  She was soaked as she 'sang' about fucking diamonds.  I watched the confusing display and listened to the noise coming from the TV alongside Mrs MWSC.  There followed a small exchange:

Mrs MWSC:  "Isn't that an electrical hazard?"
TMWSC:       "You'd hope so, wouldn't you!"

Alas, Rihanna lives on to subject us all to repetitive warbles.  At least she didn't swear this time on X-Factor, whether verbally or via subversive means (ie. wording stitched on to her shoes) and instead, I was left to do all the swearing in my living room.


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