Thursday 1 November 2012

1.11.12 Why Britain Is Screwed Up (No.76)

I read today that a useless judge has allowed a thug to walk free.  The offender was a mother of two (the children are 8 years old and 4 months old, if you're interested) and is actually pregnant as well - heaven help her kids, born and unborn.  Amanda Lowe, aged 26, decided it would be appropriate to join in with an attack on a a chap called Khuram Nisar.  After shouting "Fucking Paki" and "Terrorist!" this worthless mother decided to repeatedly kick and stamp on him, after others had punched him.  The two blokes had paved the way, and Lowe joined in. 

Despite the trio having 21 previous convictions between them, they were not jailed.  Lowe was given leniency because she is pregnant, as it would be unfair on her children to jail her.  In turn, with Lowe being allowed to walk, the judge (aka useless twat) decided that it would be unfair to jail the other two.  So, all three got 12-month suspended sentences.  The two kids (and the one that will arrive in due course) will be consigned to fucked-up lives, what with having a mother like Amanda Lowe.

The judge (Lindsey Kushner) did manage some outrage after stating that Lowe was "disgraceful for being drunk in charge of children" and adding by way of a question, "How irresponsible can you get?"  Wll, luv, a damn sight less irresponisble than a fucking judge who decides to allow a racist attack by a drunken thug to go unpunished, and for the children to be allowed the harmful effects of input by a mother whose talent are for cage fighing rather than child rearing!  The real guilt here lies with the system, and the cunting useless sentencing by judges who haven't a fucking clue.


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