Saturday 9 March 2013

9.3.13 Tony Blair- Keep Your Nose Out

I am the first the say that this coalition government is hardly making a good job of these.  Yes, it inherited all sorts of shit from Fucking Labour, and as one might expect, there is little by way of acknowledgement on this point from the left.  Actually, it is infuriating to listen to the sanctimonious nobs in Fucking Labour who have conveniently forgotten how fucked-up the country became when they were in charge.  By the way, where is Gordon Brown now?

So, the coalition is not doing well, and the Conservative Party is a shadow of its former self.  This is more than disappointing, after having to endure Fucking Labour for years, and the two twats, Blair and Brown.

On tonight's news, I had the urge to puke after seeing Blair having the nerve to be lecturing us on what Britain ought to do in Syria and how there really ought to be outrage.  Well, I do indeed have outrage - at YOU, Tony Blair.

Margaret Thatcher was a strong leader, and was most definitely not out for what she could get for herself.  No, her personal integrity and values were not ever in question.  Compare that to the self-serving Blair clan, and you'll take but half a second to realise just how two-faced the Fucking Labour Party was, and still is.

Tories are making a mess of things, Fucking Labour is pontificating with no basis for doing so, the Liberals are a complete joke, and UKIP is the only party with a particular view and maintains that view permanently.

Ed Miliband acknowledging that Fucking Labour got things very wrong when it was in power with regards to immigration is not worth the paper it's not written on.  I am sorry for the potato famine in Ireland in the 1840s, but saying sorry now is not worth a greasy chip.  The fact is, Fucking Labour fucked it, and there's no going back.  Shame that Blair and Brown won't ever apologise for what a fucking mess they made of the country.

Blair - go and manage your property portfolio, and get off my TV screen you waste of space.  Thatcher was not always right, nor was she popular with certain sections of the population - but she never suffered from personal greed, never wavered, and she worked hard.  Cameron has lost the plot, Osborne is deluded, Clegg is a prize twit, Cable needs rewiring, and the rest of the rabble are generally useless, and just keen to milk the system, claim expenses, look good while doing nothing, and are planning their next role/job.  Ed Balls is bollocks, Miliband is mundane and pointless.  Unless you were a coal miner, you must surely recognise that not since Thatcher has this country has a leader and asense of fucking direction!  This country is screwed completely.


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