Sunday 3 April 2011

3.4.11 Broken Arm

On a Ryanair flight, I was putting hand luggage in the overhead locker when the woman in the seat directly behind me decided to issue an order.  "Can you put my bag up there, because I've broken my arm."  Now, any request to assist someone by lifting a bag would have been met with compliance by most people, and I duly obliged.  This was despite the intonation of the woman, who did not ask, but stated that I needed to comply.  It was almost as if I should somehow have been aware of her broken arm (despite there being no evidence at all of any injury) and stepped in without being asked!

Her rudeness and sullen approach was unacceptable, but as if on autopilot, I simply complied in just a few seconds.  There was no 'Thank You' at all.

After landing, I did not rush to join in with the madness that commences, when everyone stands and tries to get ready to leave the plane.  So, I did not rush to stand and try to manoeuvre while getting down the hand luggage.  The woman behind was forced to stand before me, and she had to 'collar' some other innocent passer-by.  A poor bloke was stopped as he aimed for the front of the plane.  "I need my bag down," she said, pointing up.  The bloke did the necessary, and moved on.  I was amazed, but so fucking glad to see the back of her (as she fucked off forwards to the front of the plane).

What an ignorant cunt.

Collecting the hire car at Malaga was a fiasco.  The hire care was booked with "Advantage", a company name which could not have been more inappropriate.  Anyway, during the course of a 70-minute wait, while standing in the car park near the office, I watched a car go by, driven by an ugly middle aged woman with a sour look.  It was the cunt with the self-declared broken arm!  I bet she did not declare to the hire company her injury!



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