Friday 11 February 2011

11.2.11 Particuly Annoying

What the hell's wrong with people.  There seems to be a 'condition' of some sort that affects people's speech, and their ability to retain and use all relevant syllables.  It is particularly annoying.  This word is in fact one of the most commonly mispronounced ones in day to day life, and advocates of the dropped syllable seem to manage very well at getting jobs on radio and television, where they can promote their uselessness.

Yet they don't say simily in place of similarly for some strange reason.  The list of cunted up words includes the following 'variants' -

Vunerable, Reguly, Enviroment, Necessry, Ezagerate, Fith, Sikth, Twelth, Febuary

Of course there's a whole set of cliches that are rattled off these days, all flawed because they are bollocks;

Return back - well you cannot 'return forward' can you! 
Respond back - ditto
Fry off - a favourite in cooking programmes - why the 'off'?
Other alternative - No,  the 'other cunt' or the 'alternative cunt' but not both!
Separate out - cooking again!

Then there's the complete misuse of words, such as -

Alternate ending - common in the DVD world; silly Yanks [alternative]
Less women - meaning less in terms of body weight?  [fewer]

Then there's the complete crap uttered on radio and television, like the following examples -

I recommend to use Sensodyne Pronamel (TV Advert) [recommend using]

It's something I adore to do (Radio Feature)  [like to do OR adore doing]

Sunderland Police will vigorously prosecute anyone who breaches the offences (Policewoman, Radio News)  [Twat!]

People have a lot of misconceptions about California, but none of them are really true (TV Trailer)
This one is interesting.  Aside from the mistake with 'none of them are' instead of 'none of them is', the whole thing's a mess.  I can have a conception that's wrong or untrue, or I can have a misconception, but if my misconception is not true, that's a double negative, so I'm right!

The world's gone mad, and we're dumbing down at an alarming rate

Invasion of the language snatchers


1 comment:

  1. And what about "1 out of every 200 babies in a 1000...."? hahaha.
