Friday 8 February 2019

8.2.19 Dame Sally Davies

Until this week I'd never really heard of Sally Davies, or if I had, she hadn't registered as anyone I needed to have a view on.  That changed this week, after her input on the Today programme on Radio 4.  The Chief Medical Officer for England is quite clearly a frosty woman who has a rather inflated impression of herself, and in turn, I suggest, the 'reverence' that people need to have for her and her views.

I say all this after hearing Nick Robinson put forward a simple question, and her unwarranted and inappropriate response, accusing him of sexism.  What a silly woman; clearly educated, but silly.

During an interview about advice to parents on the use of mobile phones (advice that turned out to be rather pathetic, actually) Nick put it to her:

You always have this question, so I know you're familiar with it - this balance you have to get between nannying on the one hand, or being accused of it at least, and on the other hand, banality, stating things that are obvious.

Hardly a challenging concept for her to grasp, and in fact very generous in its simplicity because it sets things up for her to provide an easy answer and view.

"I thought you were going to be sexist," said Dame Davies, and as I drove my car along the dual carriageway, I struggled to understand how on earth he was being sexist at all, and why she came up with such an absurd comment.

"I'm not sure I understand which bit of that is sexist," said Nick, matching my own thoughts.

"I wonder whether you would say that to a male Chief Medical Officer," said Dame Silly Davies.

At this point I decided that she is a twat, and someone who has muscled her way along in life, possibly threatening in her deportment, and probably rather intimidating generally.  This is typical of those who operate with the strap-line "I'm a woman in a man's world and so I am going to be a pain in the arse and challenging in every way, without cause most of the time".

"No, I said you are often accused of being a nanny, I didn't say I accused you of being a nanny." (Nick)

"Ah, clever" was her pompous retort.

She has, as recently as December, referred to herself as Chief Nanny, so it seems she is simply confrontational when it suits her, and cherry picks issues for contention.  It seems she's decided to step down now, and will later this year end her tenure as the first female CMO, in favour of becoming the first female Master of Trinity College, Cambridge.  I am sure she will be equally adept in the discipline of 'beating up males' and making gender her nauseating raison d'etre.  


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