Sunday 1 April 2018

1.4.18 Muller

"Muller - official yoghurt of British Athletics"

So says Nicole Scherzinger.  I struggle with this on so many levels.  First, why on earth does British Athletics need a yoghurt?  It is perfectly possible to manage very well indeed without consuming yoghurt, and I have no reason to believe that yoghurt is in fact anything wonderful with properties that help athletes perform better.  Of all the things potentially 'needed' by British Athletics, I would venture to say that yoghurt is the least important.

I am equally perturbed that the dumb advocator of consuming this stuff is a woman who cannot even pronounce the word 'yoghurt'.  Yes, I know she is American, and that they like to mess about with stress and vowel sounds, but that underlines my ire - Nicole is an American talking like an American, endorsing a British team that apparently needs an official yoghurt, pronounced y-oh-gurt.  Could Muller and Team GB & Northern Ireland [thus, better referred to as Team UK] not find someone with appropriate speaking skills for this gig?  When in Rome, do as the Romans do; when in the UK, don't fuck with our language.


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