Sunday 14 August 2016

14.8.16 Why the United States of America is Fucked

In the modern world, we are so often told that "choice us good".  That's great for a general statement, but what happens when the choice available is far from good?  This is exactly the case in the USA.

The country is faced with the dire option of having Trump or Clinton as President.

Both are odious creatures whose credentials for being President are alarmingly non-existent.  This being the case, what possible hope is there for decency and competence for hundreds of millions of people?

Evil Witch, not to be trusted at all

Anyone who trusts this woman, or thinks she can be trusted is away with the fairies, actually where Trump lives.  A conniving and manipulative dishonest woman is surely no role model let alone a serious contender for ultimate power!

If she were a patriot, she would retire from politics and let someone else have a chance.  But she seems to think she has a right to office, as if it is her destiny.  Sadly Trump's existence may make that come true.

She will drone on like an irritable cunt for years, smug and devious to the core, if allowed, if elected. This would be a travesty, and yet the real travesty is that she is potentially a winner because she attracts the alleged quality of being "a safe pair of hands" for the country.  How sad is that.

Dangerously Mouthy

Donald Trump, along with his plastic wife, manages to annoy millions at a time with his ludicrous pronouncements.  He threatens stability with his outbursts, and will be a nightmare of a President. Ordinarily he should have no chance of winning.  However, he does have a chance, because his rival is an horrendous choice of candidate put forward by the Democrats.  Why there seems to be an expectancy from that party (and a sense of complete entitlement on her part) that Hillary deserves to be top dog is beyond me.  It is this state of affairs that has allowed Trump to give it a go with a chance of success.

The question on many lips is "Will Trump actually be that bad, or will he get better, and once in office be a bit less of a loose cannon?"  Anyone able to find a "Yes, most likely" outcome will surely turn to him, and successfully avoid the sin off voting in Cunton.  Many will not do so, and be fearful of DT having real power.

What a fucking mess.  (Still, I cannot claim the UK is much better, having allowed the evil Tony Blair to stay in office for so long.)  In summary, it is the dire state of politics and the so-called system that has let everyone down, and given them this awful choice.  Some might say that the system is so awful it is no surprise that the head-to-head is between two thoroughly unacceptable beings.


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