Wednesday 17 October 2012

17.10.12 September Quotes of the Month

1  -  "Don't do that or I'll come and leave a log on your pillow."  [Nicky]
2  -  "Ooo, I do like a good ride."  [Jess - referring to a rollercoaster]
3  -  "I've got some running to do now - but I will be back."  [Charlie - age 3]
4  -  "Ooo, look at you in your shirt."  [Faye - age 23 - to TMWSC, who was wearing a shirt]
5  -  "I've got a girthy neck."  [Liam]
6  -  "They never have it off for more than half an hour."  [James, ref the Spanish water supply]
7  -  "I've been nowhere to walk into nothing."  [Derek]
8  -  "A hairy man's a happy man, a hairy wife's a witch."  [Derek]
9  -  "It burns the nostrils in your nose."  [Derek]
10 - "Shut up!  Get a bit more global!"  [Sue]
11 - "He doesn't even make a good bad character."  [Sue, ref an Emmerdale actor]
12 - "What about Golden Balls?"  [Sue, referring to the programme, not Derek]
13 - "If you were a bird, you'd be a Zebra Finch."  [Liam, to TMWSC]
14 - "I had Ikea Thumb."  [TMWSC, confirming his ailment resulting from using a small allen key]
15 - "We come to the tear-sodden, juddering climax."  [Boris Johnson]
16 - "He permanently had an 'I've just been swimming' look about him."  [TMWSC, commenting on a boy at school]

Grammar Cock-ups and Complete Nonsense

1  -  "Each and every one of you are . . . . ."  [Nicole Scherzinger]
2  -  "The ECB has to ensure that every i and t is crossed."  [Radio 4 News]
3  -  "He was charged with mass murder and threw into jail."  [ITV News reporter]
4  -  "Everyone's talking about it, but only Avon have it."  [TV Advert]
5  -  "They'd rather implicate an innocent people."  [Interviewee on ITV News]
6  -  "He discovered the 18 bodies that were systematically killed."  [ITV News reporter]


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