Tuesday 4 February 2014

4.2.14 Money Matters


A parish council in Cumbria decides to spend (waste) this money building a play park in a small village whose inhabitants are generally pensioners.  There are in fact no children in Brisco.  Despite local protests, the council is proceeding with the plans and will of course be passing on the costs for its construction and maintenance via the council taxes it collects.  Cunting stupid.

£ 90,000

This is the estimated costs associated with the imprisonment for treatment, legal costs and prison costs for a Latvian bloke (Rolands Brize) who attacked a 24-year-old in Hull and attempted to rape her.  The UK seems to have unlimited resources to accept foreigners, and then pay massive bills for them with no thought for ejection.  Cunting useless CIC *.

£ Zero

The amount spent on the victim of the above attack, who has scarring to her legs, back and hands.  Cream on prescription is apparently the limit of what the NHS will do.  Cunting deplorable.


The cost of cosmetic surgery for Josie Cunningham, 23, who had a breast enlargement courtesy of the NHS to "boost her confidence".  What a fantastic disgrace!

$3.4 billion

The profits in the 4th quarter of 2013 for Google.  The tax paid in the UK is a laughable £11 million or so.

£42.6 billion

The anticipated cost of the HS2 project.  This will of course prove to be wildly inaccurate, and this is already out of date.  With predictable issues arising (if this project ever happens) then the true cost will probably be close to £100 billion.  I am struggling to understand why people should be saddled with the government's debts for decades to come, just so that the travelling times to London are a few minutes less.  Even if there is a half hour saving, or even a fucking hour, everything rather assumes that: a) people will want to go to London, and b) they will be able to afford the fares.  I think it is pretty likely that the fares will be atrociously high, and that getting to London will cost so much that have any money left to buy a £6.50 sandwich is a long shot.  Complete fucking madness!


The amount being spent on a painting, commissioned by Commons chiefs, of Nick Clegg.  A completely and utterly disgusting waste of space - and the painting!  Fucking nuts.

£84 million

The amount that 'abroad fraud' has cost the government/taxpayer in 2012/13. Benefits claimants abroad have managed to increase the bill by 90% in two years, ans there are over 7000 investigations in progress.  The trouble is, when there is finally a result in finding and stopping a cunt, only a small percentage of the money is ever clawed back.  Fucking ludicrous.

£100 million

What the BBC wasted on a doomed and pathetic IT project.  The perfect example of abuse of licence fee payers, whose guaranteed money gives the BBC the income that allows the corrupt views that lead to fucking stupid decisions and actions.

£20 million

The estimated cost of a strike by London Underground workers, regarding ticket office closures planned.  Pathetic and pointless threatened action (and costs) that makes no sense as no one is expected to suffer compulsory redundancy.  Bob Craw is arguably off his head.

[ * CIC = Cunts In Charge ]


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