Tuesday 11 February 2014

11.2.14 Another Day In Paradise


More bollocks in the 'generic news' stakes, as we learn of a fatty who's now thin.  The headline says it all:

"I lost ten stone by ditching wine and kebabs'.  Takeaway addict drops from size 28 to size 14 after cutting out her 10,000 calories a day binges.

This headline in the Daily Mail is simply pathetic, and yet another on the conveyor belt of crap that applauds fatties for becoming thin (again).  I am not impressed, but I suppose the NHS (and my taxes) will be called upon slightly less, now that the fat has melted away.  Anyone who had 10,000 calorie binges in a day deserves nothing but cunting criticism in the first place!

The Voice

As we know, it's supposed to be all about the fucking voice, but on Saturday, the four judges/coaches/annoyances all went on and on about the LOOKS of Jade Mayjean.  So much for the supposedly moral stance of the show, when the chair-turning then saw the emergence of the same old approach, linked to how good she looked.  Hypocritical cuntism.

Water - Too Fucking Much Of It

It seems that £2.4 million was spent on advertising and PR by the Environment Agency, but the £1.7 million it would have cost to dredge rivers was rejected as an option.  This demonstrates how fucked up things are in the UK.

Meanwhile, the UK is desperate to give away large sums of money to other countries, and it beggars belief that hundreds of millions of pounds can be chucked away while UK citizens and taxpayers sit in six cunting foot of water - obviously not literally - and their property is fucked beyond belief.  I believe the figure for aid to Pakistan is £600 million (?) so fuck knows what the total is- I've heard it's £11 billion!  When there's a disaster somewhere, the UK seems to give support and money, yet within our own borders we have an emergency and fuck all is spent?


Sorry. luv - not interested in your tweets, your recipes, your life, your whinges or you food.  Stop wasting my attention through your efforts to gain publicity. There's food for thought!  [Trinny Woodall - you're just sad.]

Cosmetic Surgery

Cherelle Campbell apparently spent £3,000 getting dimples via a cosmetic surgery procedure, so that it could "make me look like Cheryl Cole".  Three problems with this:

1 - You looked nothing like her to start with and you still look nothing like her.
2 - You are black; sorry, this means that looking like Cheryl Cole was never going to happen.
3 - Why the hell would you want to look like her in the first place?

Death Penalty

Dean Mayley was 24 but had a mental age of 9.  He was stabbed and killed by a gang of four, in a random attack, as he stepped off a bus in Greenford, West London.  The single stab wound was enough to kill Dean, who was obviously totally unable to understand, let alone defend himself.  The four who attacked him are the biggest CUNTS that every breathed, and the death penalty is simply not enough.  Sadly, they will probably not even get caught, let alone be found guilty, and the death penalty is simply not available anyway.  This society is so weak that it defies any logic or sense of responsibility.


Paul McCartney - you were, are and always will be - shit.

Hair Straighteners

In the news a few days ago, a mother who whinged about how hot hair straighteners get - up to 230 degrees.  No shit, Sherlock.  So, leaving them on the floor "for just a second" is NOT fucking ideal if your little kids is going to crawl over and pick them up.  Stop cunting whinging about the manufacturers' responsibilities in preventing injuries, and start thinking about your own fucking responsibilities in preventing your child from burning his fucking hands on YOUR hazards!  Twat!


The attacker who caused the awful injuries to this 76-year-old should (if caught) be subjected to similar injury and then locked up for a long time! Cunt.

The Cooperative

"Here for you for life" my fucking arse.  The pathetic Cunt-op over the road doesn't sell onion gravy.  It's not even about the price - which would have been extortionate, of course - and there was a selection of beef and chicken variants only.  Useless.


Lewis Westood beat a paramedic who was on a call-out.  After drinking lager and snorting cocaine, he used a baseball bat, and broke the skull of James Steel, who was attending to someone suffering a panic attack at a christening party.  Let's hope the 8-year sentence means eight years, but we all know it'll be two and a half!


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