Monday 27 February 2012

27.2.12 This Country Is Screwed

Is there a limit on how fucking useless the establishment can be?  "No" is the answer.  Week by week, layer by layer, we discover how absolutely fucking useless the UK is at managing itself.  Politicians are complete dimwits, most self-serving, and all are useless at having any effect whatsoever on the challenges that face the country.  Institutions and systems are utterly fucked.

Just over a week ago, I read how the police were involved in providing an escort for a massive caravan that was being delivered to an illegal site in the South Downs National Park.  Yes, the police have been instrumental in helping "travellers" (an ironic name considering the avoidance of actual travelling for most of those so described) take an oversized caravan through residential street in West Sussex, after sending out warning notices to car owners about causing an obstruction!  How can it be right that we are condoning the breaking of rules by assisting those intent on ignoring them?  This country is fucking screwed.

Next, we find that the courts are equally fucked up.  Romanian gypsy families have apparently conned the country out of over £800,000 by claiming benefits to which they were not entitled, flying in on cheap airline tickets to make the fraudulent claims.  Having been caught, the guilty were ordered by the UK courts to repay some of the money.  How much?  I will tell you, but first ask that you sit down because the level of repayment is astounding.

Ramona managed to rake in £81,000 but was ordered to pay back £16.65.  Dorina was ordered to pay back £1 against a fraudulent haul of £101,000.  This country is fucking screwed.

Justice is totally absent from the UK, in some parts of the country.  Take the following as an example of the completely useless system, and judges who are also useless cunts.  In today's paper we learn of a thug who has walked free despite having 382 previous convictions!  He has been convicted of his 383rd offence and guess what . . . . . he is still free.  This CUNT-ry is fucking screwed!

The Sun has today decided that the most pressing story, one which warrants 90% of its front page and a further double page spread on pages 4 and 5, is about Amanda Holden, who has decided she does not want any more children.  Okay, she recently had a very scary experience, but come on!  This country is fucking screwed.

Two-and-a-half years after it was finished, a cancer unit costing taxpayers £1.5million remains shut.  Apparently the running costs were too high for the facility to actually become operational!  I am completely dumbfounded and appalled.  This cuntin' country is fuckin' screwed.


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